Med Safe Drug Disposal
Prescription Take-Back
If you have expired prescription drugs still sitting in your medicine cabinet, it’s important to dispose of it properly. Various medications have different rules for disposal, some of which are noted upon receipt of the drugs. However, if you aren’t sure, it’s important to play it safe. That’s why Apothicare 360 Pharmacy offers a take-back program. Free to the public, you can drop off your unused prescription drugs or over the counter medication in our MedSafe disposal unit where it will be disposed of safely and properly.
Prior to Medication Disposal
Before you drop your medication into the unit, be sure to remove any personally identifiable information from the container. You can do this by tearing off the label or blacking it out with a permanent marker. This protects your personal information.
Please make sure all liquids are placed in a sealed plastic bag before disposal.
Once you’ve done this, simply drop it into our MedSafe medication disposal box and we’ll take care of the rest!

Liquids must be in their original containers, wrapped in paper towel, and sealed in a zip-lock bag before being placed in the MedSafe Only unused or expired prescribed (Rx) or over-the-counter (OTC) dispensed medicines, including controlled substances Schedules 2-5. No schedule 1/Illegal drugs will be accepted. Products should be left in packaging the medication was dispensed in, or loose pills can be placed in a zip-lock bag. Questions? Ask one of our pharmacists at Apothicare 360 Pharmacy.
Acceptable for Disposal:
Liquid Medicines
Why Proper Prescription Disposal Matters
Getting rid of your unused medication improperly can do harm to friends, family, the community, and the environment. For example, flushing medications down the toilet, pose a health hazard as they seep into groundwater, negatively impacting the environment and your drinking water. Throwing hazardous medication into the trash can be equally dangerous. The risk of consumption by either children in the home or animals can lead to inadvertent poisoning.
It also reduces the risk of local drug abuse. According to the 2012 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), over six million Americans abuse prescription drugs. Of that number, 7.4% are youth between the ages of 12 and 17.
Pain relievers are one of the most commonly abused drugs among young people, of which 70% are obtained through friends and family.
Never give leftover medication to friends or family, as drugs are prescribed based on an individual’s unique health history. Prescriptions that may have worked for you can cause severe health risks, injury, and even death in another.
Safe, Reliable Drug Disposal. No Questions Asked.
Our MedSafe drug collection unit is available during business hours. It’s safe, secure, and free to the public. Individuals can drop off prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, and unused pharmaceuticals with no questions asked. Our MedSafe disposal unit is located inside of our Fort Myers based pharmacy. On behalf of Apothicare 360 Pharmacy, we thank you for choosing to participate in our take-back program. Your efforts to dispose of medication properly benefits everyone, from the environment to the community around us.
Help us Join the Fight against Prescription Drug Abuse
The streets are not the only place kids find drugs. More than 1700 teens begin using prescription medications each day (2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health).

Apothicare 360 Pharmacy is more than just your average pharmacy.
Please note: We DO NOT compound sterile medications including those used for weight loss. If you would like to inquire about other services, we are happy to help. Thank you!